Author: Paul Donehue

The Truth About Habits & Sales Success

Habits play a significant role in shaping our lives. Whether it’s maintaining a healthy lifestyle, achieving professional or sales success, or nurturing positive relationships, the power of habits cannot be underestimated. In fact, Aristotle claimed that ninety-five percent of everything we do is a result of habit! But forming good habits is a challenging process […]

How am I Doing, Boss?

How important is it for leaders to provide regular feedback to team members? I think we all know the answer – it’s vitally important! Yet a surprising percentage of people say they don’t get enough feedback, negative or positive! Consider the following excerpt from an article published by thoughtLEADERS,LLC: “If you are a manager, the […]

The Power of Storytelling

While we have shared content on this topic in the past, we recently came across a most compelling article published by Forbes in which author Candice Georgiadis reaffirms our findings very nicely. “At its core, storytelling refers to the art of crafting narratives that capture the essence of your brand and appeal to your audience. It also […]

Could a Past Marketing Perspective Be the Secret to Success Today?

In a recent article published on LinkedIn, Bruce Bolger, President of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, shares some interesting data and perspective on a past marketing strategy that he suggests is primarily overlooked today. “In the late 1990s, the concept of one-to-one and permission marketing were born with great promise,” Bolger writes. “Yet, the current dominant approach […]

Staying in Touch with Your Marketplace

Business development is a process rather than a one-time event. It requires a long-term perspective and the key activity for achieving success is follow-up – i.e., staying in regular contact with customers, prospects, and influencers/referral sources. We have observed that most people fail to follow-up with sufficient frequency or with a value-added purpose. Frequency guidelines:If […]

Leveraging Your Brand for Accelerated Growth!

Selling and marketing are the key processes for maintaining business growth. But while these processes are familiar ones, their definitions are often blurry and, in some cases, the two concepts are considered to be one and the same! However, they are distinct and it’s important for organizational leaders and personnel to maintain an understanding of […]