
Comprehensive Solutions

Leveraging many years of experience working with organizations of all types and sizes, we can quickly recognize the unique demands of your sales, sales management, employee engagement, communication, and marketing-related processes, and help you identify the best opportunities for improvement.

Would you like to improve your current sales process, take a more systematic approach to managing and leading your sales team, or enhance your on-boarding process? Our consulting and training programs can help with all phases of sales management, from ramp-up to team motivation and retention, or long-range strategic planning. Read more | Contact Us

You can select on-site or remote delivery, each presented in a positive, interactive style that has proved effective time after time. All programs are customized to best-fit your goals as well as the make-up of your team; ideal for sales professionals at all tenure levels.
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Picking up where training programs leave off, coaching can help people turn learned concepts into action. We take a positive, tailored approach, helping sales managers become leaders and helping people at all levels learn to make things happen in the marketplace.
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The pursuit of new business often becomes an ad-hoc, reactive  or procrastinated activity, thus yielding sub-optimum results. Whether just starting out or trying to move your current organization or professional services practice to the next level, identifying, attracting, and retaining clients is a key activity. We can help you or your BDR team  jump-start your effort starting today! Read more | Contact Us 

We all depend on written business communication to get our message across to clients, prospects, and staff, and you can depend on us to deliver professional, on-time marketing communication and copywriting solutions. We can help with press releases, social media or web content, sales correspondence, white papers, newsletters, and all forms of marketing material. Read more | Contact Us

The business world has never been more customer-driven, and the customer experience (CX) is considered today's leading differentiator. Let us work with you to create consistent customer service and support that will delight your customers or clients. Unique training and coaching options for healthcare and hospitality organizations are available.  Read more | Contact Us

Engaged employees are twice as productive and four times as loyal; but only 30% of the US workforce is engaged! As a Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) we can help you engage people to focus on the actions most likely to yield desired results. Our approach is research-and-experience-based, and designed to deliver an ongoing ROI. Read more | Contact Us

Ideal for those who would like to reduce miscommunication, improve managerial skills, run better meetings and teleconferences, make more persuasive presentations or "communicate up" more effectively. Getting your point across to your audience in exactly the right way can be challenging. We can help you plan and consistently deliver a more compelling message. Read more | Contact Us

A seasoned professional, Paul Donehue's interactive style engages audiences of all types, and will help you organize and run dynamic meetings in which people are actively involved and productive. Whether facilitating or speaking, he presents new ideas in a positive way that inspires attendees to adopt fresh perspectives and a collaborative spirit. Read more | Contact Us

Professional Services Programming

Working and consulting with professional service providers—including financial advisory teams, law firms, accounting firms, consulting firms—has become a specialty.

We can help you make more productive use of the time you spend on promoting and growing your practice, and improve all aspects of new business development, marketing and client communication, client retention, referral-network management, practice growth and management.

Contact us to discuss on-site and remote consulting options.

Persuasive Communication Programming

Virtually everyone we ask says that they would like to become more persuasive. Fortunately, persuasion is a skill that can be developed!

We can help you learn and apply the six universal principles of persuasion (often referred to as the science of social influence) along with four key pre-requisites, which will help you more easily gain acceptance for your ideas, proposals, or recommendations. You'll also learn how to create and deliver more persuasive presentations, whether to organizational leaders, clients, prospects or colleagues.

Contact us today for more information about on-site or remote training and coaching options.

Do You Lead Virtual or Remote Sessions?

Technology, practicality, and emerging workplace cultures have brought about the need for sales professionals and leaders to master remote meeting management and communication skills.

We can share proven best practices for conducting more interactive, productive virtual meetings, presentations, customer support calls, or training sessions that will engage participants and boost effectiveness.

Enterprise & Customer Engagement!

As a Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP), we can help you achieve almost any goal that involves people—customers, partners, employees, suppliers, and even communities. Our approach is research-and-experience-based, and designed for generating results in a measurable way, thus taking the traditional warm and fuzzy out of engagement, and instead providing a measurable, tangible return on investment (ROI).

Download the free white paper,,,

Enterprise Engagement
Supported by The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and a strategic alliance with Gallup, this approach is based on extensive research confirming that engaging people to achieve goals requires more than an ad-hoc approach. Organizations getting the best results apply a systematic series of steps, which are outlined in this executive summary and explained in the video to your left. This proactive, approach will help you achieve your short-term and long-term objectives while achieving a tangible ROI.

Kely steps for implementation include:

  • Gaining top management support and buy-in
  • Developing realistic, achievable, and measurable goals
  • Effectively assessing the people and the playing field to identify the best opportunities for improvement
  • Creating a formal engagement business plan and targeted return on investment, and measuring progress throughout implementation
  • Making sure people have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed
  • Incorporating consistent, two-way communication and an integrated recognition plan

Do You Lead Virtual or Remote Sessions?

Technology, practicality, and emerging workplace cultures have brought about the need for sales professionals and leaders to master remote meeting management and communication skills.

We can share proven best practices for conducting more interactive, productive virtual meetings, presentations, customer support calls, or training sessions that will engage participants and boost effectiveness.

Restaurant Sales & Customer Service

Would you like to apply a proven approach to engaging customers and employees that is geared specifically toward enhancing the ordering and dining experience as well as team productivity and morale?

We can help you develop your staff in a unique way by teaching them how to apply strategic communication and key customer service fundamentals. You'll see productivity and profitability rise, along with measurable improvements in:

  • Team retention/lower turnover
  • Customer experience (CX!)
  • Sales growth, and more!

Enterprise & Customer Engagement!

As a Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP), we can help you achieve almost any goal that involves people—customers, partners, employees, suppliers, and even communities. Our approach is research-and-experience-based, and designed for generating results in a measurable way, thus taking the traditional warm and fuzzy out of engagement, and instead providing a measurable, tangible return on investment (ROI).

Download the free white paper,,,