The late Zig Ziglar was often quoted as saying, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”
True words for sure!
Mr. Ziglar’s wisdom can be applied to much in life and to sales calls as well. For example, consider the following perspective on setting our aim on key objectives for sales calls from author Jack Falvey:
If This [Sales] Call is Successful, What Will Happen?
“Knowing where you want to go greatly increases the likelihood of your getting there. If you have a goal or an objective and your prospect is neutral, the chances of moving the prospect in your direction is more likely. Give yourself every chance to win. Pick the goal you are after. It may merely be the next step in the sales cycle, but don’t assume your customers know what the next step should be. Take them by the hand and lead them down the path. Go side by side, but make sure you know where the path is going.
“You are less likely to be led off in unproductive directions if you have a plan and direction to go in. Always ask the question before you go in, “Where am I going with this?” If it is to close for an order, how big should it be? What product mix is best for this account? What price will get the business profitably? What are the best terms and conditions for this sale?
“Having all this upfront information in your head or, better still, in your notes will get you moving and keep you moving toward your pre-call objective.
“Focus beats free form every time. Set a pre-call objective.”