Your one-stop for improving sales, business development, sales management, employee engagement, marketing and business communication, Paul Charles & Associates helps people sell more and communicate better with colleagues, customers, and the marketplace. We work with and support organizations of all sizes and types, including Tech, IaaS/SaaS, Professional Services, Financial Services, Healthcare, Pharma, Media, Manufacturing, Retail, Construction, Hospitality, and more...

You can select from a wide range of time-tested, customized services, including consulting, training, coaching, marketing communication and business development support, speaking, and facilitation.

The first step is most often a situational analysis. There are no costs associated with these conversations. Please contact us directly if you would like to discuss your interests and goals, and together we can determine if or how Paul Charles & Associates might be able to help.

Training & Coaching

People need development if they are to grow and succeed. You can select on-site or remote delivery options, each highly-rated and each presented in a positive, highly-interactive style.

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Flexible options include project-based or simple monthly retainer plans, providing you with on-demand access plus  scheduled interactions, easy budgeting,
and fresh ideas…

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Support Services

Select sales & marketing communication support to retain clients and grow your business; or highly-interactive facilitation to optimize board or sales meetings, events and conferences.

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"To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace"
— Doug Conant

Employee engagement and customer engagement have been identified as top priorities by 90% of U.S. CEO's. But a cohesive plan is necessary in order to achieve measurable results.  More...

Our Mission: To provide honest, globally-customized services that are always in the client's best interest and that help each client improve the effectiveness of their sales and communication effort.

Clients of all sizes and types have realized significant ongoing benefits from our work, ranging from more effective on-boarding to increases in new and recurring revenue.

We are proud of our many long-standing client relationships, some lasting fifteen-or-more years. We look forward to the possibility of adding your name to the list!

Case Studies | Client Success


It's Why Football Teams Practice...

September is suddenly upon us and some of us will shift our perspective a bit, moving from the breezy thoughts of summer to getting back to basics for the fall.

Of course, football season is here as well. So, this newsletter focuses on taking some advice from the National Football League (NFL) - and also includes a key question...

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