Sales Contact Volume & Frequency

We all know that sales call volume matters.

In countless conversations or debates about this, we have posed a simple question to sales people: “If you came into work each day and made one outbound call and then quit for the day, would you be successful?”

The universal answer is, “No, but…”

All buts aside, it’s a clear indication that call volume matters. Of course, so too does call frequency!

Consider that a cadence of “10 touches” spread over 10 years would have little or no impact on a prospect.

So, the real question is, “What is the best prospecting cadence and timeline… how many outbound contacts can we make before going over the line?”

First, consider the following facts – studies show that approximately 80% of those involved in business development approach prospects two or three times over a thirty-to-sixty day period, and then give up.

Now, consider the importance of data from numerous sources that show it takes an average of eight (8) touches to schedule a first meeting or conversation!

Next, consider the fact that sheer “volume” or “frequency” does not guarantee success. Each contact must be “value-added” in order to properly impact our target prospects. This requires research, planning, and good communication (probing and listening) skills.

Considering this information simultaneously, the best answer to the cadence or call volume and frequency question is that we “cross the line” when our calls have no value for the prospect or customer.